Your Energetic Bankruptcy serves no one

My good friend Suzy Reading has worked with many of my senior clients supporting them with their energy management, which has been key to their sustainability in the seat, mental clarity, decision-making prowess, creativity and enjoying the journey. Suzy's recent book Rest to Reset, offers some great tools on how to pause.

My learnings from Suzy:
  • Your health is your number one commodity.

  • You being replenished serves everyone. Your energetic bankruptcy serves no one!
  • Your free time is not your availability. Do not confuse your capability for your capacity.
  • You may be able to cope with less sleep. At what cost?
  • It is easier to maintain your health than reclaim it.
  • If you don’t make time to prioritise your health, you will make time for illness.
  • Your body is always whispering to you. If you don’t listen to its' whispers they will hit you like a truck.
  • You can move house - you can’t move bodies.
  • Your wellness takes less time to sustain than it takes to heal and restore from illness and burnout.

If your body could speak, what would your body tell you about your current choices?


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