I was at the highest points in my career while feeling the lowest about it

‘I was at the highest point in my professional career while feeling the lowest about it’. My client’s words struck a deep chord. I’ve been there; frazzled, depleted and joyless, looking to make a change, but unsure what that change was.

Time was my biggest challenge. Because to figure out what would come next I needed time and that was in short supply.

My health became my enemy, but also my saviour. I started to suffer from symptoms of burnout which gave me the opportunity to stop and pause and to get clear onwhat was important to me.

Many clients come to me at a career crossroads. They know they are seeking change, but are struggling to cut a clear path through the maelstrom of life and they need someone to confide in and an objective listener.

My advice to you:

• Don’t wait for life events to force you to pause and reflect. My friend Shelley Paxton shares the importance of not postponing wellbeing, joy, and fulfilment in the name of“success”.

• Your motivations and values change over time, prioritise time to consider what makes you jump out of bed in the morning vs wanting to hit snooze.

• Your intuition is your internal GPS. If you choose to listen to it, it will reveal a lot around what energises you vs what drains you.

How clear are you on what matters to you?


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