5 things to know before going back after maternity leave

After maternity leave, women often suffer in silence. We feel guilty if we negotiate flexible arrangements and try to overcompensate by working late or saying yes to additional projects. It’s a short-sighted strategy, and one to soon leave you burnt out.

Here are 5 things to know before going back after maternity leave:

1. Consider “Keep in touch days”: Stay in touch every couple of months before going back to work. In the UK you can use up to 10 days during your leave to attend important meetings, conferences, or training.

2. Plan your new routine and have a backup plan: Design your new daily routine and work out the details – nanny, daycare, feeding plan, and most importantly a backup plan in case the baby (or the nanny) gets sick.

3. Consider flexible arrangements: What does the optimal blend of working from home/office look like for you? Some women use part of their holidays to take Fridays off for a while, to help them adjust. Schedule your first day for later in the week so your first week back at work is a short one.

4. Have a strong support group: There will be times when you’ll want to throw in the towel. 17% of women leave employment completely in 5 years following childbirth. Have someone to talk to who has been through the same and can assure you it will get better and easier.

5. Don’t shut out imposter syndrome: It’s the elephant in the room that all mothers go through - some hiding it better than others. Try being open about your difficulties and ask your mentor or coach for help.

What structure will support you in finding balance after maternity leave?


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