Celebrating IWD with Nomura

February 28, 2023

"Learn from yesterday, live for today. hope for tomorrow." Albert Einstein

To kick off IWD 2023, I partnered with the fabulous Angie Karna and SueLee at Nomura fora fireside chat, to speak to their Women in Nomura (WIN) Network on the powerful lessons we have learned on our career journeys. The conversation was rich, engaging and inspiring.

The prism of hindsight can be a shortcut to melancholy. Not for us! As Einstein suggested, we looked back positively to share our lessons, to equip others with a valuable map and toolkit.

The lessons included:

  1. Don’t unquestionably accept your inner critic. Give more credence to your inner coach whose voice will rally you.
  2. Be aware of comparison-itus – comparing your inner with somebody’s outer – it is not a fair comparison.
  3. There is a difference between constructive anguish and useless rumination.
  4. How you dress is an outward statement of how you want to be experienced.
  5. Be the pilot of your career, not the passenger – stay in the driving seat.
  6. Your personal brand is honed every time you communicate.
  7. Relationships are critical keys to career success. Invest in them. A‘network’ is simply a group of people you have got to know along the way. Staying in touch and supporting each other will serve you powerfully. Nobody is an island.
  8. Our time is our most precious asset. Have clarity on the most efficient and effective ways to use it. Wasting time is akin to burning piles of cash.

Please don’t waste time regretting the past. Now is the time to create opportunities for tomorrow.

We were delighted to support Dress forSuccess Worldwide at this event, a not-for-profit organisation, who do an incredible job in empowering women. Thank you to Michele Rella, Katie Brumfield, and Danielle Recalde for joining us.

Photos from the event

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