Celebrating IWD with MarketAxess

March 2, 2023

One of England’s greatest monarchs, Elizabeth I was known as the ‘Lonely Queen’, despite being constantly surrounded by people. Leadership can be a lonely place, especially for a woman.

So it was wonderful to partner with the fabulous Mary Sedarat and KathrynSweeney at MarketAxess to kick-start Women’s History Month.

With the prism of hindsight, it is easy to reflect on what you would have done differently and the lessons you wish you had known. The session threw-up a few:

  1. Confidence comes from competence.
    You don’t need to feel confident to get started.
  2. Your life will become easier when you start exercising your boundaries.
    Know what is sacrosanct and what you are prepared to concede.
  3. Create a powerful board of internal directors.
    Your trusted outlet who will give you advice and support.
  4. Be kind.
    You don’t know where you will meet people again along your career path.
  5. It is not about who you know, but WHO knows you.
    Think of relationships like the roots of a tree – they go out. Nurture relationships above, below and with peers. Nobody moves upwards within an org without the help and support of others.
  6. Put yourself in their shoes.
    With any sponsor/mentor relationship, how can you make it a win/win relationship? How can you best use their time?
  7. Be interesting and be interested.
    If you do this you will become more engaging and being curious will expand your knowledge and it will also allow you to find more quality points of connection with others.
  8. Preparation is king.
    You don’t start revising for an exam in the hall. You get the most from meetings by knowing who’s there and what you want to discuss with them.
  9. Comparison-itus.
    Make sure it is a fair comparison. Don’t compare and contrast your energy levels today with those you had 20 years ago.
  10. Sleep is a part of your professional armoury.
    Don’t trade it.

Thank you to all who joined – including the male allies in the room. You are all helping us move the needle. KathleenN. Harrison, hugely appreciate your stellar job in organising.

Photos from the event

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