Bank of America WIND event

March 20, 2023

A pleasure to be part of theWomen in Derivatives (WIND)and Bank of America event to celebrate #womenshistorymonthon elevating your influence.Thanks toKaren Wares for moderating a rich and insightful discussion and great to be on a panel with the fabulousMeg McClellan and Rashaan Reid.

The lessons included:

  1. Don't ignore the body whispers.
    Your body is speaking to you all the time if you tune in and listen.
  2. Make time for regular self-reflection.
    Be clear on who you are and what ‘really’ matters to you. Your motivations and drivers will change over time, as will your success measures.
  3. Goals are a place to come from not a place to get to.
    Under every big step are little ladders. What are the mindsets, behaviours and accomplishments which will help you to get there?
  4. Make your ambitions overt, not covert.
  5. Be authentic.
    It consumes valuable energy being somebody you are not.
  6. Build relationships before you need them.
    We are in a people business.
  7. Know what you do know and know what you don't.
    Bridge your knowledge gaps.
  8. Trying to do it all will minimise your impact.
    As you ascend the career ladder, give thought to what you need to let go of.
  9. It's not about who you know, it's who knows you.
  10. Change is messy in the middle.
    Be comfortable with the discomfort, as you put yourself forward for new and bigger opportunities.

Photos from the event

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